
More greener fires

The fireplace has always been the heart of the home, especially in winter. We don't have to rely on a fire to get heating, an electric fireplace that uses electricity can do the same thing. And it can also control the color of the flame of the electric fireplace, not only the traditional yellow and red flames, but also can be mixed into 256 colors such as yellow-green, blue-violet, etc. More and more house designers are likely to choose electric over gas heating. Because they are more greener...

The decoration style of electric fireplace

As the main cultural landscape of the living room, the fireplace can be decorated with various styles, it can be fresh, simple, warm, romantic, classic and solemn, or gorgeous and elegant.The wind leads the trend and fashion of decoration. On the casual holiday, in front of the shining fire, the family or three or five friends sat around the stove to talk about laughter;The red and bright light reflects the touching feelings, watching the charcoal fire slowly ignited, and the scent of the...

Clean and green fireplace

It seems that traditional wood fireplace emit a lot of smoke  when it burns,which not only damages our environment but also produces ashes and dirty that we need to clean our house regularly.While you don’t have these worrying if you choose an electric fireplace for it doesn’t release any of dangerous products into air producing clean and green heat.Electric fireplace requires no chimney that gives your home better air quality,in the same time it can reduce the cost of energy which saves...

Electric fireplace .

Shenzhen Xinyingxin is a place to turn to for inspirational living ideas, with a great selection of electric fireplace and decorative items, ready to enhance your house for you, your family and friends to enjoy. Electric fireplace of Shenzhen Xinyingxin has control thermostats, flames, timers, charcoal bars, pebbles, and the unit can be adjusted as needed. They are suitable for any environment, including offices, bedrooms, living or dining rooms, and easy to install. If you find that the...

How much does an electric fireplace cost?

XinYingXin electric fireplace uses nearly 1,500 watts of power. If you use it just to create atmosphere, the cost ranges from 0.021 yuan to 0.21 yuan per hour. However, if you also use the heating mode and adjust it to the mid-range heating, then the cost will rise to about 0.63 yuan per hour, and the highest grade heating case will rise to 1.26 yuan per hour all. Most people use electric fireplaces during the winter months, especially during holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New...

Decorative furniture

An electric fireplace is the perfect solution to be a decorative home decor providing the an amazing warm ambience in your home,which leaves the impression of an actual beautiful fire burning in the background, requiring minimal maintenance and operational tasks.when you need to heat up your room,you can operate your electric fireplace at any time.In other time,the fireplace can be regarded as a decorative furniture by watching the flame dancing without turning on...